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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jasmin F. Patry (Tuxracer)
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Volker Stroebel (Planetpenguin Racer)
Copyright (C) 2010 Extreme Tuxracer Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef MATHLIB_H
#define MATHLIB_H
#include "bh.h"
#include "matrices.h"
static constexpr TVector3d GravVec(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Advanced geometry
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
struct TPlane {
TVector3d nml;
double d;
constexpr explicit TPlane(double nx = 0.0, double ny = 0.0, double nz = 0.0, double d_ = 0.0)
: nml(nx, ny, nz), d(d_)
struct TPolygon { std::vector<int> vertices; };
struct TRay { TVector3d pt; TVector3d vec; };
struct TPolyhedron {
std::vector<TVector3d> vertices;
std::vector<TPolygon> polygons;
TVector3d ProjectToPlane(const TVector3d& nml, const TVector3d& v);
TVector3d TransformVector(const TMatrix<4, 4>& mat, const TVector3d& v);
TVector3d TransformNormal(const TVector3d& n, const TMatrix<4, 4>& mat); // not used ?
TVector3d TransformPoint(const TMatrix<4, 4>& mat, const TVector3d& p);
bool IntersectPlanes(const TPlane& s1, const TPlane& s2, const TPlane& s3, TVector3d *p);
double DistanceToPlane(const TPlane& plane, const TVector3d& pt);
TMatrix<4, 4> RotateAboutVectorMatrix(const TVector3d& u, double angle);
TQuaternion MultiplyQuaternions(const TQuaternion& q, const TQuaternion& r);
TQuaternion ConjugateQuaternion(const TQuaternion& q);
TMatrix<4, 4> MakeMatrixFromQuaternion(const TQuaternion& q);
TQuaternion MakeQuaternionFromMatrix(const TMatrix<4, 4>& m);
TQuaternion MakeRotationQuaternion(const TVector3d& s, const TVector3d& t);
TQuaternion InterpolateQuaternions(const TQuaternion& q, TQuaternion r, double t);
TVector3d RotateVector(const TQuaternion& q, const TVector3d& v);
bool IntersectPolygon(const TPolygon& p, std::vector<TVector3d>& v);
bool IntersectPolyhedron(TPolyhedron& p);
TVector3d MakeNormal(const TPolygon& p, const TVector3d *v);
void TransPolyhedron(const TMatrix<4, 4>& mat, TPolyhedron& ph);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ode solver
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
struct TOdeData {
double k[4];
double init_val;
double h;
typedef int (*PNumEstimates)();
typedef void (*PInitOdeData)(TOdeData *, double init_val, double h);
typedef double (*PNextTime)(TOdeData *, int step);
typedef double (*PNextValue)(TOdeData *, int step);
typedef void (*PUpdateEstimate)(TOdeData *, int step, double val);
typedef double (*PFinalEstimate)(TOdeData *);
typedef double (*PEstimateError)(TOdeData *);
typedef double (*PTimestepExponent)();
struct TOdeSolver {
PNumEstimates NumEstimates;
PInitOdeData InitOdeData;
PNextTime NextTime;
PNextValue NextValue;
PUpdateEstimate UpdateEstimate;
PFinalEstimate FinalEstimate;
PEstimateError EstimateError;
PTimestepExponent TimestepExponent;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// special
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
int Gauss(double *matrix, int n, double *soln);
double LinearInterp(const double x[], const double y[], double val, int n);
double XRandom(double min, double max);
double FRandom();
int IRandom(int min, int max);
int ITrunc(int val, int base);
int IFrac(int val, int base);