import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import requests import time import os import flaschen import threading import time state = { 'startup': 0, 'last_change': None, } p=None UDP_IP = '' UDP_PORT = 1337 isKupa=True letter_k=[ 4, ["1001", "1010", "1100", "1010", "1001"] ] letter_u=[ 4, ["1001", "1001", "1001", "1001", "0110"] ] letter_p=[ 4, ["1110", "1001", "1110", "1000", "1000"] ] letter_a=[ 4, ["0110", "1001", "1111", "1001", "1001"] ] letter_space=[ 4, ["0000", "0000", "0000", "0000", "0000"] ] ft = flaschen.Flaschen(UDP_IP, UDP_PORT,8, 5) current_text_offset=0 def get_char_pixel_length(ch): l = { 'k': letter_k[0], 'u': letter_u[0], 'p': letter_p[0], 'a': letter_a[0], ' ': letter_space[0] }.get(ch, 0) return l + 1 def get_char_pixel_bitmap(ch): l = { 'k': letter_k[1], 'u': letter_u[1], 'p': letter_p[1], 'a': letter_a[1], ' ': letter_space[1] }.get(ch, ["0000","0000","0000","0000","0000"]) return l def get_string_pixel_length(st): l=0 for c in st: l += get_char_pixel_length(c) return l def print_letter(ch): white=(255,255,255) for x in range(0,ch[0]): for y in range(0,5): if ch[1][y][x]=='1': ft.set(x,y,white) def get_text_vline(st, i): done=False letter=0 offset=0 previous_offset = 0 if i >= get_string_pixel_length(st): return['0','0','0','0','0'] while not done: offset +=get_char_pixel_length(st[letter]) if i < offset-1: done=True vline = [get_char_pixel_bitmap(st[letter])[0][i-previous_offset],get_char_pixel_bitmap(st[letter])[1][i-previous_offset],get_char_pixel_bitmap(st[letter])[2][i-previous_offset],get_char_pixel_bitmap(st[letter])[3][i-previous_offset], get_char_pixel_bitmap(st[letter])[4][i-previous_offset]] return vline elif i == offset-1: vline = ['0','0','0','0','0'] done=True else: letter += 1 previous_offset = offset return vline def prepare_text_block(st): l=get_string_pixel_length(st) #l+=8 # add full clear screen for text rotation block=[] i=0 for vline in range(0,l): block.append(get_text_vline(st, i)) i+=1 return block def print_text(block): for x in range(current_text_offset, current_text_offset+8): for y in range(0, ft.height): if block[x][y] == '1': ft.set(x-current_text_offset, y, (255,255,255)) def render_thread(name): global current_text_offset text=" kupa " print("we start sraning") block = prepare_text_block(text) while isKupa: for y in range(0, ft.height): for x in range(0, ft.width): ft.set(x, y, (255, 0, 0)) print_text(block) #print_letter(letter_k) ft.send() time.sleep(0.125) current_text_offset+=1 if (current_text_offset >= get_string_pixel_length(text)-8): current_text_offset = 0 # The callback for when the client receives a CONNACK response from the server. def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code "+str(rc)) global state state['startup'] = time.time() # Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and # reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed. client.subscribe("iot/247a1d/#") # The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server. def on_message(client, userdata, msg): global state global isKupa if time.time() - state['startup'] > 1.0: print(msg.topic+" "+str(msg.payload)) if msg.topic.endswith('shitting/state'): print(msg.payload.decode()) s = msg.payload.decode() == 'true' toilet_state = 'OCCUPIED' if s else 'FREE' shitting_period = time.time() - state['last_change'] if state['last_change'] else None try: if s == True: p = threading.Thread(target=render_thread, args=(1,)) isKupa=True print("isKupa is on") p.start() else: print("isKupa is off") isKupa=False except Exception as exc: print(exc) state['last_change'] = time.time() client = mqtt.Client() client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message client.connect("", 1883, 60) # Blocking call that processes network traffic, dispatches callbacks and # handles reconnecting. # Other loop*() functions are available that give a threaded interface and a # manual interface. client.loop_forever()