version: "3" services: postgres: # postgres:9.6.17-alpine image: postgres@sha256:c48c87e19b1c9bdc9d1de8a0f53fa1c7f91f887ecc06d0c2efd3f3425090b6c0 volumes: - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret backend: build: . image: ports: - 5000:5000 volumes: - .:/usr/src/app environment: - TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD=true - AUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT=1 # Set these to your testing LDAP dn/password - LDAP_BIND_DN - LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD # ...or uncomment this to allow any login with some mocked user info # - TESTING=1 - LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG # Uncomment these to enable proper RSA JWT id_tokens signing # - JWT_PRIVATE_KEY=private.pem # - JWT_PUBLIC_KEYS=public.pem,public.pem # - JWT_ALG=RS256 volumes: pgdata: