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Raw Normal View History

2013-11-26 22:32:11 +00:00
// Handles related-objects functionality: lookup link for raw_id_fields
// and Add Another links.
function html_unescape(text) {
// Unescape a string that was escaped using django.utils.html.escape.
text = text.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
text = text.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
text = text.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
text = text.replace(/&#39;/g, "'");
text = text.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
return text;
// IE doesn't accept periods or dashes in the window name, but the element IDs
// we use to generate popup window names may contain them, therefore we map them
// to allowed characters in a reversible way so that we can locate the correct
// element when the popup window is dismissed.
function id_to_windowname(text) {
text = text.replace(/\./g, '__dot__');
text = text.replace(/\-/g, '__dash__');
return text;
function windowname_to_id(text) {
text = text.replace(/__dot__/g, '.');
text = text.replace(/__dash__/g, '-');
return text;
function showRelatedObjectLookupPopup(triggeringLink) {
var name =^lookup_/, '');
name = id_to_windowname(name);
var href;
if (\?/) >= 0) {
href = triggeringLink.href + '&_popup=1';
} else {
href = triggeringLink.href + '?_popup=1';
var win =, name, 'height=500,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');
return false;
function dismissRelatedLookupPopup(win, chosenId) {
var name = windowname_to_id(;
var elem = document.getElementById(name);
if (elem.className.indexOf('vManyToManyRawIdAdminField') != -1 && elem.value) {
elem.value += ',' + chosenId;
} else {
document.getElementById(name).value = chosenId;
function showAddAnotherPopup(triggeringLink) {
var name =^add_/, '');
name = id_to_windowname(name);
href = triggeringLink.href
if (href.indexOf('?') == -1) {
href += '?_popup=1';
} else {
href += '&_popup=1';
var win =, name, 'height=500,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');
return false;
function dismissAddAnotherPopup(win, newId, newRepr) {
// newId and newRepr are expected to have previously been escaped by
// django.utils.html.escape.
newId = html_unescape(newId);
newRepr = html_unescape(newRepr);
var name = windowname_to_id(;
var elem = document.getElementById(name);
if (elem) {
var elemName = elem.nodeName.toUpperCase();
if (elemName == 'SELECT') {
var o = new Option(newRepr, newId);
elem.options[elem.options.length] = o;
o.selected = true;
} else if (elemName == 'INPUT') {
if (elem.className.indexOf('vManyToManyRawIdAdminField') != -1 && elem.value) {
elem.value += ',' + newId;
} else {
elem.value = newId;
} else {
var toId = name + "_to";
elem = document.getElementById(toId);
var o = new Option(newRepr, newId);
SelectBox.add_to_cache(toId, o);