
60 lines
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println("Some string manipulation");
text = "When I was young, everything was simpler.";
println("Our text looks like that:");
x = 0;
while(x < 4)
x = x +1;
println("We can replace some content of the text, for example \" whatever \" ");
println("But first, let's try some simple replacement!");
text[5] = "M";
text[3] = "K";
println("Now text is: ", text);
println("Let's define some useful functions for us:");
def slice(text, from, to)
bit = "";
i = from;
while(i < to)
bit = bit + text[i];
i = i + 1;
return bit;
println("We defined slice, let\'s try it now!");
println(slice(text, 0, 8));
println("And some more: ", slice(text, 9, 14));
println("What about replace function?");
def replace(text, replacement, start_position, end_position)
prefix = slice(text, 0, start_position);
suffix = slice(text, end_position, len(text));
result = prefix + replacement + suffix;
return result;
println("It looks pretty simple. Lets replace some text!");
println("Original: ", text);
println("After replacement: ", replace(text, "nice", 11, 16));