from __future__ import division from math import sqrt, ceil, atan, sin, cos import random, pygame, sys import os import json from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() GRAY = ( 182, 182, 182) VIOLET = (150, 100, 190) RED = (255, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 150, 0) BLUE = (30, 30, 180) VERYLIGHT = (210, 210, 210) BLACK = (5,5,5) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) PINK = (255, 62, 150) MAGENTA = (255, 0, 255) ORANGE = (255, 69, 0) GREENYYELLOW = (173, 255, 47) CRIMSON = (220, 20, 60) GRAYISH = (210, 210, 255) ROYALBLUE = (65, 105, 225) TIME_STEP = 0.01 K = 120000 X_SCREEN_BORDER = 1366 Y_SCREEN_BORDER = 768 INITIAL_SPEED_X = 300 INITIAL_SPEED_Y = 0 INITIAL_Y = 400 DEFAULT_OLD_X = 2 - INITIAL_SPEED_X*TIME_STEP DEFAULT_OLD_Y = INITIAL_Y - INITIAL_SPEED_Y*TIME_STEP BEAM_WIDHT = 40 def main(): #create the screen window = pygame.display.set_mode((1366, 768), FULLSCREEN) colors = [GRAY, VIOLET, RED, GREEN, BLUE, ROYALBLUE, BLACK, PINK, ORANGE, GREENYYELLOW, CRIMSON] settings = SimulationSettings(K, TIME_STEP, INITIAL_Y, INITIAL_SPEED_X, BEAM_WIDHT, colors) #Initialize universe with some atoms universe = Universe(settings) screen = Screen(window, colors, universe) screen.draw_surface() keep_running = True simulation_running = True while keep_running: if(simulation_running): screen.draw_surface() universe.update_positions() else: screen.draw_static_surface() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: keep_running = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: keep_running = False elif event.key == K_UP : universe.settings.initial_y -= 10 elif event.key == K_DOWN: universe.settings.initial_y += 10 elif event.key == K_RIGHT: universe.settings.speed_x += 20 elif event.key == K_LEFT: universe.settings.speed_x -= 20 if(universe.settings.speed_x < 0): universe.settings.speed_x = 0 elif event.key == K_SPACE: universe.add_particle() elif event.key == K_h: if(universe.settings.show_instructions): universe.settings.show_instructions = False else: universe.settings.show_instructions = True elif event.key == K_RETURN: if(simulation_running): simulation_running = False else: simulation_running = True elif event.key == K_COMMA: universe.settings.beam_width -= 5 if(universe.settings.beam_width < 5): universe.settings.beam_width = 5 elif event.key == K_PERIOD: universe.settings.beam_width += 5 print "Symulation is over." class Screen: def __init__(self, window, colors, universe): self.communicates = [] self.communicates.append("Rutherford scattering") self.window = window self.universe = universe self.colors = colors self.color = WHITE def change_color(self): self.color = random.choice(self.colors) def draw_universe(self): self.draw_guide() for particle in self.universe.particles: self.draw_particle(particle) def draw_static_universe(self): self.draw_guide() for particle in self.universe.particles: self.draw_particle(particle) for x in range(1, len(self.universe.particles)): self.draw_particle_vector(self.universe.particles[x]) def draw_particle(self, particle): position = (int(ceil(particle.position.x)), int(ceil(particle.position.y))), particle.color, position, 6+ int(particle.mass/100) ) def draw_particle_vector(self, particle): factor = 20 arrow_head_x = 0.50 arrow_head_y = 0.30 start_position = (particle.position.x, particle.position.y) end_position = (int((particle.position.x - particle.old_position.x)*factor +particle.position.x), int((particle.position.y -particle.old_position.y)*factor + particle.position.y)) pygame.draw.aaline(self.window, BLUE, start_position, end_position, 4), RED, end_position, 2) def draw_guide(self): y = self.universe.settings.initial_y offset = self.universe.settings.beam_width for x in range(0, 39, 2): pygame.draw.aaline(self.window, BLACK, (X_SCREEN_BORDER*x/40, y), (X_SCREEN_BORDER*(x+1)/40, y), 4) for x in range(0, 79, 2): pygame.draw.aaline(self.window, RED, (X_SCREEN_BORDER*x/80, y + offset), (X_SCREEN_BORDER*(x+1)/80, y + offset), 2) for x in range(0, 79, 2): pygame.draw.aaline(self.window, RED, (X_SCREEN_BORDER*x/80, y - offset), (X_SCREEN_BORDER*(x+1)/80, y - offset), 2) def draw_static_surface(self): self.window.fill(GRAYISH) self.draw_static_universe() description_of_simulation_settings = self.prepare_settings_description(self.universe.settings) for i, text in enumerate(self.communicates + description_of_simulation_settings): if(i == 0): self.print_text(text, 20, 14 + i*20, CRIMSON, 28, self.window) else: self.print_text(text, 20, 20 + i*20, BLACK, 24, self.window) if(self.universe.settings.show_instructions): for i, text in enumerate(self.universe.settings.instructions): if(i == 0): self.print_text(text, 350, 14 + i*20, GREEN, 28, self.window) else: self.print_text(text, 350, 20 + i*20, BLACK, 24, self.window) pygame.display.flip() def prepare_settings_description(self, settings): description = [] line = "K = {0:d}".format(settings.K) description.append(line) line = "Position of the beam is {0:d}".format(settings.initial_y) description.append(line) line = "Initial speed of the beam is {0:d}".format(settings.speed_x) description.append(line) line = "Width of the beam is {0:d}".format(settings.beam_width) description.append(line) line = "Time step is set to {0:f}".format(settings.time_step) description.append(line) line = "Press H to show/hide instructions" description.append(line) return description def draw_surface(self): self.window.fill(self.color) self.draw_universe() description_of_simulation_settings = self.prepare_settings_description(self.universe.settings) for i, text in enumerate(self.communicates + description_of_simulation_settings): if(i == 0): self.print_text(text, 20, 14 + i*20, CRIMSON, 28, self.window) else: self.print_text(text, 20, 20 + i*20, BLACK, 24, self.window) if(self.universe.settings.show_instructions): for i, text in enumerate(self.universe.settings.instructions): if(i == 0): self.print_text(text, 350, 14 + i*20, GREEN, 28, self.window) else: self.print_text(text, 350, 20 + i*20, BLACK, 24, self.window) pygame.display.flip() def print_text(self, text,xx,yy,color,text_size, screen): font = pygame.font.SysFont(None,text_size) ren = font.render(text,1,color) screen.blit(ren, (xx,yy)) class Vector2: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y class Particle: def __init__(self, mass, position, old_position, charge, color): self.mass = mass self.position = position self.old_position = old_position self.acc = Vector2(0,0) self.color = color self.charge = charge class SimulationSettings: def __init__(self, K, time_step, initial_y, speed_x, beam_width, colors): self.K = K self.time_step = time_step self.initial_y = initial_y self.speed_x = speed_x self.beam_width = beam_width self.colors = colors self.show_instructions = True self.instructions = [ "Instructions:", "To change speed, use right and left arrow keys", "To change position of the beam, use up and down arrow keys", "To change width of the beam, use , and . keys", "To add particle, press space", "To pause/continue simulation, press enter"] class Universe: def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings atom1 = Particle(1000, Vector2(700,400), Vector2(700,400), 20, ORANGE) atom2 = Particle(1, Vector2(2,400), Vector2(2-TIME_STEP*INITIAL_SPEED_X, INITIAL_Y- TIME_STEP*INITIAL_SPEED_Y), 1, RED) self.particles = [atom1, atom2] print("Universe has just been created!") def update_accelerations(self): for particle in self.particles: particle.acc = Vector2(0,0) for x in range(1, len(self.particles)): accelerations = self.compute_acc(self.particles[x], self.particles[0]) self.particles[x].acc = accelerations[0] def update_positions(self): self.update_accelerations() for particle in self.particles: temporary_x = particle.position.x temporary_y = particle.position.y particle.position.x = 2 * particle.position.x - particle.old_position.x particle.position.x += particle.acc.x * TIME_STEP * TIME_STEP particle.position.y = 2 * particle.position.y - particle.old_position.y particle.position.y += particle.acc.y * TIME_STEP * TIME_STEP particle.old_position.x = temporary_x particle.old_position.y = temporary_y particle = self.limit_position(particle) def limit_position(self, particle): if(particle.position.x > X_SCREEN_BORDER or particle.position.y > Y_SCREEN_BORDER or particle.position.x < 0 or particle.position.y < 0): y = self.settings.initial_y speed = self.settings.speed_x random_offset = random.randrange(-self.settings.beam_width, self.settings.beam_width) particle.position.x = 2 particle.old_position.x = 2 - speed*self.settings.time_step particle.position.y = y + random_offset particle.old_position.y = y + random_offset return particle def compute_acc(self, particle1, particle2): vertical_distance = particle1.position.y - particle2.position.y horizontal_distance = particle1.position.x - particle2.position.x distance = sqrt((vertical_distance)**2 + (horizontal_distance)**2) force = particle1.charge * particle2.charge *K/distance**2 acc1x = force/particle1.mass*horizontal_distance/distance acc1y = force/particle1.mass*vertical_distance/distance acc2x = -force/particle2.mass*horizontal_distance/distance acc2y = -force/particle2.mass*vertical_distance/distance return [Vector2(acc1x, acc1y), Vector2(acc2x, acc2y)] def add_particle(self): y = self.settings.initial_y speed = self.settings.speed_x colors = self.settings.colors random_offset = random.randrange(-self.settings.beam_width, self.settings.beam_width) particle = Particle(1, Vector2(2, y + random_offset), Vector2(2-self.settings.time_step*speed, y + random_offset), 1, random.choice(colors)) self.particles.append(particle) if __name__ == '__main__': main()